
Our Sustainability Commitment

Sustainability = Care = Quality, Craft, & Flavour

Sustainability is about caring for the future based on what we do today. Caring for the environment and the community in which we live and work, and caring about the craft of grape growing and winemaking.

In the Awatere Valley Marlborough we are lucky to have some of the freshest air and cleanest water in the world – it truly is a magical place for crafting wine. We believe great wine is made in the vineyard, so if you care for your vineyard then nature will reward you with great flavours and quality in your wines. This is why we are committed to sustainability for the long term and have been since our vineyards were planted more than 15 years ago.


Water Conservation

We only use water as needed through carefully monitored drip irrigation and that water used is taken from the river at high flow times in winter and stored in our reservoirs for use in the summer months.


Rewilding of our place, our vineyard

Around our vineyards on river banks, along the coast, and on hillsides we are reestablishing native plants to bring back biodiversity which helps the vineyard and the planet.

Recyclable Packaging & lighter weight bottle

All our packaging is recyclable, 75% of our bottles are made from recycled glass and lighter in weight, and our label paper & cartons are sourced only from renewable sources.


OTU wines map

Sustainability Certification

Annual Sustainability Certification focuses on 6 key areas: Water conversation, Waste reduction, Soil health, Decarbonisation, Vine protection, and People. Our vineyards have been certified sustainable for 15 years.